Is Ed Miliband demonstrating strong leadership?

Is Ed Miliband finally demonstrating the type of leadership that could see him become Prime Minister in two years time?

Initially, Miliband, who was elected ahead of his brother David, in 2010, did little to convince voters that Labour were a viable option to the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats.

However, in his first speech since the local election results last week, Miliband criticised the lack of emphasis on creating jobs in the Queens Speech and this was delivered with what seemed to me, like a new found confidence.

Were the results a vote of confidence in Ed Miliband? Perhaps. But more poignantly the Labour Party is being backed by voters again.

Miliband has always adopted a “families first” philosophy in debates within Parliament and just several weeks after officially going back into Recession, perhaps the Coalition has lost its economic credibility.    

While people are feeling hard pushed in terms of their finances, unless the Coalition can deliver on the ground results, like in 1997, when the Conservatives Economic credibility was being questioned, policies that encourage public spending to generate growth may be appealing.

If Miliband were to stand in a US style presidential campaign, there would still be questions over his leadership qualities, but while the Labour Party as a whole are talking a different game to the Coalition’s cuts programme, people may be willing to back their ideals and subsequently elect Miliband as Prime Minister.

About Michael Knowles
This website will present a variety of politcally related stories, including analysis, background information and political stories that I have sourced and written myself.

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