Walter Hart of the Royal Army Medical Corp today told the story of one of the units abandoned 3 weeks after the official evacuation in Dunkirk.

When Calais fell, the “Number 6 Genereal Hospital” unit and the wounded soldiers in their care were cut off from Dunkirk and after deciding that “it would be nonsense to send the wounded to Dunkirk”, the unit took a momumental risk to avoid being taken prisoner.

“We didn’t realise the danger we were in to the fullest extent…We were told to find our own way back to England”.

The unit progressed to Dieppe from Flocques in the Le Tréport region to give them the best chance of escaping to a near-by port and this proved to be correct.

The unit stole a French goods train to allow them to escape from the German ring of control.

 “3 members of the unit carried rifles; these were used to persuade the driver who was reluctant at first…But we were also prepared to take French refugees and he eventually stepped aside”

Hart told me of how even then, the army were under-equipped: “All the equipment we had was previously used in 1917.” He added: “After World War One, the English and French governments encouraged us to disarm, the Germans did the opposite.”

Walter Hart joined after the first conscription and was one of the main advocates for “Occupational Therapy” to help soldiers recover from their wounds whilst serving in Egypt between January 1941 and June 1944- The invasion of Normandy.

Black Market tickets escalate for One Direction.

Black-market ticket prices soar as Watford Coliseum sells out within ten minutes.

Fans of the X-factor group One Direction queued for more than 16 hours to purchase tickets at the release time of 10am on Saturday, however tickets were sold out within 10 minutes and thousands were left disappointed.

Within hours, tickets were being posted online at nearly 15times their face-value with one individual from Lancashire selling two “row B” tickets for a ‘buy it now’ price of £499.

Ms Larkin, sales and marketing manager at the Coliseum said on the black market tickets: ‘We are very unhappy and will cancel tickets we know have been resold and put them back on sale’

54000 calls were received whilst the website became extremely congested due to increased demand for the event.

The event is due to take place on December 18th.

Energy worker to climb Mount Kilimanjaro for charity.

Energy worker to climb Mount Kilimanjaro for charity.

 UK Power Networks employee, Jonathon Gill, 36, is to embark on the challenge on October 9th to raise funds and awareness for Headstart4Babies.  

The charity is trying to raise funds and awareness for Plagiocephaly, a little known skull condition that can cause a misalignment of the ears and eyes due to a partial flattening to the back of the head. 

Plagiocephly has directly affected Gills life after his son Reilly developed it in 2009.  On the work of the charity, Jonathan said: “Headstart4Babies do fantastic work raising awareness of Plagiocephaly.” “Thanks to Headstart4Babies, Reilly is now a perfectly healthy two year-old.

 Mount Kilimanjaro stands at 5895m tall and the climb will take Jonathan along the Kenya-Tanzania border. Because Jonathan is paying all the expenses himself, all the money raised will go directly to the charity.