Middlesex FA and Football Foundation

The figures highlighting the legacy created by the Middlesex FA and their partnership with the Football Foundation have been released today.

Since the foundation was established in 2000, the charity has supported 160 grassroots projects with grants in excess of £13.5m.

This money has resulted in improved changing facilities with 14 new changing pavillions being established, 27 new pitches, both grass and synthetic being introduced and over 5000 junior kits being provided.

The Football Foundation invested £229,136 into a 3rd generation artifical grass at the Ark Academy, Wembley with the aim being to encourage participation in football within the community at a state-of-the-arts facility.

Stuart Allen, Development Manager of the Middlesex FA praised the work of the Football Foundation: “The support of the Football Foundation has made a huge difference in conveying the wider public the good work that is going on at the grassroots level of the game.

Paul Thorogood, Chief Executive of the Football Foundation said: The Football Foundation’s work with the Middlesex FA has achieved major improvements to the grassroots across the county.

Figures are showing that sites that have been funded by the Football Foundation have seen a 50% increase in participation when they open and a further 25% over the following four years.