Baroness Warsi defends Coalition

Conservative Chairman Sayeeda Warsi has defended the Coalition Governments 2012/2013 legislative programme.

Baroness Warsi emphasised the Governments focus on restoring the economy and encouraging growth and getting people back into work.

In an appearance on BBC’s Newsnight, she said: “We are making sure that we keep a grip on the nation’s finances, keeping interest rates low…to put more money in people’s pockets”

There are concerns over the tensions within the Coalition after Nick Clegg sent a letter to Liberal Democrat members saying that they had “punched above their weight” in this year’s Queen Speech.

Conservatives are worried that the Liberal Democrats are having too much influence within the Coalition.

However, Lady Warsi stated that many of the proposals made in the Conservative 2010 General Election manifesto were actually in the this year’s Queen Speech.

The Queen’s speech, that David Cameron said would reward the “strivers” who “work hard and play by the rules” has been criticised for not putting enough emphasis on creating jobs.

While on Newsnight, Lady Warsi criticised Labours record over unemployment, stating that when the Coalition came into Government, they were “presiding over a 40% increase in youth unemployment”

Reform to the House of Lords?

With a report due to be published on Monday that is expected to include a potential composition of the House of Lords, are we finally beginning to see a change in the Upper House?

The all-party Joint Committee on Lords Reform made up of members of both Houses is due to publish a report on Monday detailing its recommendations on the reform of the House of Lords.

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has once again urged the House of Commons to speed up the reforms, that began under Tony Blair in 1999 when a transitional house was introduced.

In an interview with the BBC he said: “The principle that people who make the laws of the land should be elected by the laws of the land would strike most people in the country as fairly uncontroversial.”

Mr Clegg then added: “It’s something we have been talking about for 100 years. We should just get on with it now, with minimum fuss.”

All 3 of the major political parties said they would Reform the House of Lords if they were elected in their 201o General Election manifesto.

Reforms have also been supported by the Conservative Justice Minister Kenneth Clarke MP despite suggestions that many Tory Peers would be willing to block any upcoming proposals.

In an interview with Sky News he said:  “The existing House of Lords is a curious historical anomaly. We are ready for democracy, I think. All three political parties were in favour of House of Lords reform in their last manifestos.”

However, perhaps, it is important to remember that these reforms were first initiated 13 years ago and it is sure to require many compromises, both on the timing of any potential Bill as the Conservative side of the Coalition do not see this as one of their major principles, but it will also need to go through rigorous scrutiny, both in the House of Commons and in the House of Lords, where it may face stiff opposition.